TVYS Auditions for Fall 2024
Call or email to schedule an audition time. 860-439-2749 or
Audition Requirements
Scales (Three notes per bow, suggested tempo is DOTTED QUARTER = 80)
Major Scales (3 octaves): A-flat, A, B-flat, B, C, D
Melodic Minor Scales (3 octaves): g, a, b, c, d
Major Scales (2 octaves): E-flat, E, F
Melodic Minor Scales (2 octaves): e, f, f-sharp
Scales (suggested tempo is DOTTED QUARTER = 80)
Major Scales (3 octaves, one note per bow): D-flat, D, E-flat, E, F, G
Melodic Minor Scales (3 octaves, one note per bow): c, d, e, f, g
Major Scales (2 octaves, one note per bow): A-flat, A, B-flat
Melodic Minor Scales (2 octaves, one note per bow): a, b-flat, b
Scales (One note per bow, suggested tempo is QUARTER = 80)
Major Scales (3 octaves): D, E-flat, E, F
Melodic Minor Scales (3 octaves): c, d, e
Scales (One note per bow, suggested tempo is QUARTER = 80)
Major Scales (2 octaves): up to three accidentals
Melodic Minor Scales (2 octaves): up to three accidentals
Required Excerpts
Selected excerpts with given metronome markings, bowings, and fingerings (Prepare all bracketed sections)
Student should perform the most recent piece of music they have prepared
All major scales in 2 octaves
Chromatic scale at full range of instrument
All major scales across complete range on mallets
Snare: FF and pp drum rolls, as well as a single roll which begins pp, crescendos to FF and diminuendos to pp over 10 seconds. Additionally, please prepare a solo selection which displays your best abilities and demonstrates an understanding of rudiments, presented at least at a moderately paced tempo.
Timpani: Present a selection which demonstrates rolls, 4 drumstick technique, and some minimum amount of tuning.
Mallets: Present a selection which demonstrates your best abilities. Include music in both slow and fast tempi.